Tuesday 4 September 2012

Pete the sheep summary

 This week I read a book called ‘Pete the Sheep’ which is one of Jackie French’s famous children book. This narrative is about a shearer called Sean not having the common sheepdog to round up the sheep; instead he has Pete the sheep. After the other shearers and their dogs rejected Sean, Sean and Pete set up a sheep salon in town. Sheep from everywhere arrived to have their wool shorn in the latest styles. This book uses visual language, such as illustrations to help convey the story, as it is targeted to children in reception to year one that do have a very simple vocabulary. This book contains a standard narrative structure, as it has; an Exposition (where the setting and characters are introduced), Developing conflict (some form of conflict, that produces suspense, so the reader wants to find out what happens next), Climax (part where the suspense is at its highest and a confrontation or final showdown becomes predictable) and a conclusion (the problem is solved and there is a happy ending). 

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